IV Demographic Summit Budapest 02

Declaration on the Demographic Renewal of Europe: ‘our continent will only have a future if it prioritizes supporting families’

This is the Declaration on the Demographic Renewal of Europe signed by Prime Ministers Viktor Orbán of Hungary; Janez Janša of Slovenia; Andrej Babiš of the Czech Republic and the Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić. It is the result of the IV Budapest Demographic Summit, held on September 23 – 24. The document warns that not a […]

SPD 01

Germany: socialists and liberals gain ground

By Bence Selmeczi | This was the first election when the incumbent Chancellor did not run and the serious question arose as to who would be Merkel’s successor, Scholz or Laschet. The decision was made; however, we are far from the final results. As previously predicted, conservative forces will have tough times after losing Angela […]


The Budapest Demographic Summit brings together leaders of 5 governments and commits to the family as the key to sustainability

“Family: the key to sustainability”: that was the central theme of the IV Budapest Demographic Summit, held on September 23 and 24, with the presence of leaders of five European governments, and scientists, academics, politicians, businessmen, civic and religious leaders  of 18 countries. In addition to the host, the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, […]