Ortega 02

The Nicaraguan hell

By Fernando Rodríguez Doval | Animal Farm is the title of one of the most famous works by British writer George Orwell. Quick and easy to read, this fable tells the story of farm animals who decide to rise up against their owner, in order to achieve freedom and happiness; that rebellion, however, quickly degenerates […]

Comunicado Nicaragua.001

Statement: We condemn the persecution unleashed by dictator Daniel Ortega against the Catholic Church in Nicaragua

The Political Network for Values ​​condemns the persecution that dictator Daniel Ortega has unleashed against the Catholic Church in Nicaragua. The attacks have intensified with particular viciousness in recent weeks against the faithful of the Diocese of Matagalpa and its bishop Ronaldo Álvarez, whom they seek to exile, they have besieged him in the curial […]

Overturning Roe v. Wade: a victory for life

By José Antonio Kast | The decision pronounced last week by the Supreme Court of the United States is a gigantic step forward in the cause of the defense of life and dignity of the unborn, because it leaves behind the sentence that granted the right to abortion above any other legislation of any of […]