Children and women have become the main victims of the imposition of gender ideology in the public sphere, especially through the very aggressive “trans agenda”, which, paradoxically, is presented as a solution for exclusion, but causes the following situations:
Minors with their healthy genitalia surgically modified adolescent girls subjected to the amputation of their breasts, boys, and girls with whom are experimented chemical therapies that generate irreversible effects.
Women and girls forced to tolerate people with male genitalia in women’s bathrooms, women who have to put up with men who claim to be like them defeating them in sports competitions and displacing them from “gender equity” quotas.
Prisoners who have to share cells and showers with “trans women” who often went to prison for sexually abusing “biological women”.
However, there are those who have come up with effective responses to this very serious picture; therefore, we present at the Transatlantic Dialogues of the Political Network for Values some child and women protection policies that, in the face of the trans agenda, have been implemented in Hungary and in some states of the American Union.
We have invited Lőrinc Nacsa, member of the Hungarian National Assembly; Jay Wesley Richards, senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation; and Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International.
Don’t miss. It is the last edition of the Transatlantic Dialogues this year.
Thursday, December 01. Check your country’s schedule:
08:00h US-Pacific
09:00h US-Mountain, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador
10:00h US-Central, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru
11:00h US-EST, Dominican Republic, Venezuela
12:00h Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay
16:00h England, Ireland, Nigeria
17:00h CET: Austria, Croatia, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, France
18:00h Uganda, Kenya
To participate, please contact: [email protected].
Press, please contact: [email protected] or +55 33 9 9456 1430.