Rome – Budapest | The future of Europe can only be built from its past and its Judaic-Christian roots, which we cannot renounce or forget if we want our identity to be preserved; This heritage is the key to our future and has already proven to be a guarantee for peace for just over half a century.
This is the consensus of politicians from fifteen countries in America and Europe gathered in the most recent edition of the Transatlantic Dialogues organized by the Political Network for Values (PNfV).
The webinar held this Monday, April 19, addressed “The future of Christian Democratic values in the European Union” and its speakers were Katalin Novák, Hungarian Family Minister, vice president of the Fidesz party and president of the PNfV; and Lorenzo Fontana, former Minister of Family and European Affairs of Italy and Federal Deputy Secretary of the Liga party.
The event was followed by more than 100 political and civil society leaders from 15 countries in Europe and America and was held within the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe – which aims to open a debate between politicians and citizens of the continent – and it was registered on the conference platform as the contribution of PNfV.
But what does this contribution consist of? Katalin Novák summed it up like this: “our commitment is to a yes to human dignity, yes to Christianity, yes to life, yes to family, yes to freedom, yes to work, yes to the identity and sovereignty of our nations ; and, on the other hand, a no to totalitarianism, no to communism, no to the throwaway culture, no to anti-Semitism, no to massive and disorderly illegal immigration, no to the weakening of families and no to censorship”.
Lorenzo Fontana emphasized that now values are being questioned that were unthinkable to attack 30 or 40 years ago and that we are in a geopolitical context in which different models of society compete to impose themselves on a global level. And in this context “the family is the last barrier against the new forms of totalitarianism that have emerged.”
He emphasize that the family is the first community of reception and protection of the person, it is a fundamental vector in the transmission of traditions – of our cultural heritage-, it is an intergenerational adhesive structure, and it is a very important factor of social welfare.
“We are facing a decisive cultural and political battle. There is a globalist, progressive and nihilist ideology and in front of it there is a Christian and conservative identity agenda; They are two different models to see the man and the woman and life in society. Our responsibility is to defend and protect people, families and traditional communities, and this battle is not a one-country battle, we are all involved”.
After the Novák and Fontana presentation, political representatives from 15 countries on both sides of the Atlantic discussed the topics pointed out by the speakers.
The participants made frequent reference to the founding act of the European Union: the creation of the European Steel and Coal Community, in 1950, made up of Christian values by Robert Schuman, from France; Alcide de Gasperi from Italy; and Konrand Adenauer from Germany; a frame that should not be forgotten.
These are the roots that guaranteed peace in Europe in the second half of the 20th century. Today that heritage has been forgotten and betrayed by those who lead the course of the current European Union.
The politicians who took the floor agreed that in Europe a free and open political debate is necessary, and that normally those who defend conservative values or Christian Democrats are censored or stigmatized.
The Spanish legislator, Ignacio Garriga from the Vox party, pointed out that some conservative or Christian Democratic parties have weakened or abandoned the defense of fundamental values due to strong pressure from the environment; “These founding values are on attack and we must defend them with firmness, determination and perseverance, let us remember that they are the values of our peoples.”
Paradoxically, many who claim to be liberals have become enemies of freedom, they have become intolerant and do not accept any other point of view, they joined the ranks of an ideological dictatorship that we can see all over the global scene; our responsibility is to offer alternatives founded on true values that are attractive and effective, added Hungarian MP Balázs Hídvéghi from Fidesz.
Angela Gandra from Brasil first of all empathized that christian values are only human values. If someone asks her about her ideology, is she a conservative, the answer is she is simply human. From her perspective it is very important to build a dialouge, to ask, to listen, to expose and to show the history. The pandemic helped everyone to build a better dialogue at home. Also she higlighted the importance to speak in the language of love because our main source is the love.
Novak assured that the integration of a new platform is underway that will help bring about a rebirth of the union between the countries of Europe based on their conviction to build truly democratic societies based on Christian values. The first step for this, was the meeting held on April 1 by Mateusz Morawiecki, Polish Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, Hungarian Prime Minister, and Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian Liga party to lay the foundations for effective collaboration and a common agenda in the European Parliament.
The next editions of the Transatlantic Dialogues will address the shielding of the right to life that has been carried out in some countries and the public policies from a family perspective that have been applied with considerable success in Hungary.
The Transatlantic Dialogues are a space organized by the PNfV for the exchange of ideas, analysis and sharing between political representatives of countries in Europe, America and Africa. The webinars are normally in a monthly basis.
The PNfV is an international network of politicians who affirm, promote and defend life, family and fundamental freedoms.