Political representatives from 12 Latin American countries pointed out that in order to face the consequences of the covid19 pandemic it is necessary to avoid false dichotomies and to promote an agenda for the common good based on respect for people and their freedoms, on subsidiarity and on solidarity. Read more Press release (EN) Press […]
The Youth Declaration Celebrates 1 Year
June 26, 2020. We are celebrating one year of the presentation of the Youth Declaration at the OAS General Assembly. Last year we delivered it along with more than 48,000 signatures. let’s remind the Organization of American States (OAS) what we stand for and what we expect from our representatives, especially in these times of […]
Tennessee Passes Bill Banning Abortion After Six Weeks
Tennessee lawmakers, on Friday, passed one of the nation’s strictest abortion restrictions, banning the procedure once a fetal heartbeat is detected at about six weeks, which often occurs before a woman even realizes she is pregnant. The “heartbeat” bill follows a wave of similarly stringent anti-abortion measures passed by Republican-majority legislatures in an effort to […]
PNfV organizes an Iberoamerican Webinar on Saturday June 6th
It was designed to propose a joint reflection on the learnings from the pandemic and to promote a true policy of the common good, which prioritizes values such as the dignity of the person, the family, the defense of life and freedoms, as opposed to the proposal of the globalist agenda and the new world […]