Brussels | The European Parliament’s FEMM Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality is going to meet on 10-11th May this week for discussing the draft Resolution of MEP Matiĉ, which presents abortion as a “fundamental right” and calls Member States to abolish conscience clause, threatening fundamental right to life and freedom of conscience. The […]
Europe will only have a future if it recognizes its Christian roots, say politicians from both sides of the Atlantic
Rome – Budapest | The future of Europe can only be built from its past and its Judaic-Christian roots, which we cannot renounce or forget if we want our identity to be preserved; This heritage is the key to our future and has already proven to be a guarantee for peace for just over half […]
This is Lasso, the new president of Ecuador
Analysis • By Diego Hernández | A man of clear beliefs. Firm and cordial. Outspoken advocate for the right to life, the family and the fundamental liberties; consistent in his public stands on these subjects. Enthusiastic about free initiative as an engine of development. Convinced that his country can be a place full of opportunities […]
Politicians advocate return to family and Christian values in the opening day of the Conference on the Future of Europe
As the Future of Europe debates kicked off officially on 19th of April, one of the first conferences was about families and defending the Judeo-Christian roots of Europe. “The future of Christian Democratic values in the European Union” event was organised by Political Network for Values under the umbrella of the Conference on the Future […]