The Political Network for Values is a global platform and a resource of contents for Legislators and Political representatives rooted in a Trans-Atlantic dialogue on shared values. It aims to manage a network from local and global leaders to actively defending and promoting a decalogue of shared values among which is the protection of Human Life, Marriage, Family and Religious and Conscience Freedom.
Alice Muchiri
Coordinator of the Africa Chapter
International Catholic Legislators Network, Kenya
Paulo de Almeida de Oliveira
Business consultant and PNfV advisor in Portugal
Alfonso Aguilar
President, Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, USA
Carlos Beltramo
Director for Europe, Population Research Institute, Spain
Mariano Gervan
Deputy Secretary of the Senate of the Nation, Argentina"
Stefano Gennarini
Director, Center for Family and Human Rights, USA
Jacqueline Halbig Von Schleppenback
Founder and Partner, Sovereign Global Solutions, USA
Elyssa Koren
Legal Communications Director ADF International, USA
Sophia Kuby
Director of Strategic Relations & Training ADF International, Austria
Rubén Navarro
Founder and President Center for International Development - CID
Geneva, Switzerland
Theresa Okafor
Director, Foundation for African Cultural Heritage, Nigeria
Carlos Polo
Director LATAM, Population Research Institute, Peru
Javier Fiz Pérez
Vice president Core Values Org.- Itinerari Previdenziali, Spain
Travis S. Weber
Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, USA
Jesús Magaña
Director of the citizen platform "Unidos por la Vida", Colombia
Diego Hernández
Director of the digital newspaper D'VOX, Brazil