In 2022 the actions of our Network and its members had a great impact on the media. We have a record of more than 150 mentions of the Political Network for Values in news media from several countries and in different languages. Some journalistic pieces focus on the PNfV itself, its positions or its activity, […]
Protecting the victims of the trans agenda is the theme of this year’s latest Transatlantic Dialogues
Children and women have become the main victims of the imposition of gender ideology in the public sphere, especially through the very aggressive “trans agenda”, which, paradoxically, is presented as a solution for exclusion, but causes the following situations: Minors with their healthy genitalia surgically modified adolescent girls subjected to the amputation of their breasts, […]
The Cortes Case: only the truth sets people free
By Fernando Guzmán Pérez Peláez | Rodrigo Iván Cortés, president of the National Family Front (FNF) in Mexico and secretary general of the Political Network for Values, has been sued for clearly denouncing that proposed modifications to the Law of Religious Associations, under the guise and excuse of supposed hate speech, actually want to criminalize […]
Brazil: 5 keys to understand the election results
These are the keys to understand the outcome of Brazil’s presidential election. Read from day 31/10.